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Physiology Faculty
Life Science III, Room 2081
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- PHSL 430/530 Advanced Cellular Physiology
- Small Group Facilitator (tutor) in Endo/Repro/GI unit of the 1rst year Medical curriculum
- PHSL 491/492 Independent Research
We investigate a transcription factor called DEAF1 that is associated with human cancer, female depression and suicide, and autoimmune disease that results in Type I Diabetes. We have produced standard and conditional knockouts of Deaf1 in mice that appear to recapitulate anxiety/depressive behavior, autoimmune inflammation and lymphoma.
Our current plans are to focus on the structure/function relationships of DEAF1 mutations in human disease, with an emphasis on mutations that produce "intellectual disorder" (mental retardation), and to determine if Deaf1 knockout mice are a useful model for these disorders.
Anneke T. Vulto-van Silfhout, Shivakumar Rajamanickam, Philip J. Jensik, Sarah Vergult, Nina de Rocker, Kathryn J. Newhall, Ramya Raghavan, Sara N. Reardon, Kelsey Jarrett, Tara McIntyre, Joseph Bulinski, Stacy L. Ownby, Jodi I. Huggenvik, G. Stanley McKnight, Gregory M. Rose, Xiang Cai, Andy Willaert, Christiane Zweier, Sabine Endele,Joep de Ligt,Bregje W.M. van Bon, Dorien Lugtenberg, Petra F. de Vries, Joris A. Veltman, Hans van Bokhoven, Han G. Brunner, Anita Rauch, Arjan P.M. de Brouwer, Gemma L. Carvill, Alexander Hoischen, Heather C. Mefford, Evan E. Eichler, Lisenka E.L.M. Vissers, Björn Menten, Michael W. Collard, Bert B.A. de Vries (2014) Mutations affecting the SAND domain ofDEAF1 cause intellectual disability with severe speech impairment and behavioral problems. American Journal of Human Genetics
Collard, M.W. and Griswold, M.D. (1987) Biosynthesis and molecular cloning of sulfated glycoprotein 2 secreted by rat Sertoli cells. Biochemistry 26:3297-3303 (Cited 322 times as of 2013)
Collard, M.W., Sylvester, S.R., Tsuruta, J.K. and Griswold, M.D. (1988) Biosynthesis and molecular cloning of sulfated glycoprotein 1 secreted by rat Sertoli cells: Sequence similarity with the 70-Kilodalton precursor to sulfatide/GM1 activator. Biochemistry 27:4557-4564
Cairns, B.R., Collard, M.W. and Landfear, S.M. (1989) Developmentally regulated gene from Leishmania encodes a putative membrane transport protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:7682-7686
Collard, M.W., Day, R., Akil, H., Uhler, M.D. and Douglass, J.O. (1990) Sertoli cells are the primary site of prodynorphin gene expression in rat testis: Regulation of mRNA and secreted peptide levels by cAMP analogs in cultured cells. Molecular Endocrinology 4:1488-1496
Day, R., Schafer, M.K.H., Collard, M.W., Watson, S.J. and Akil, H. (1991) Atypical prodynorphin gene expression in corticosteroid producing cells of the rat adrenal gland. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:1320-1324
Huggenvik, J.I., Collard, M.W., Stofko, R.E., Seasholtz, A.F. and Uhler, M.D. (1991) Regulation of the human enkephalin promoter by two isoforms of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Molecular Endocrinology 5:921-930
Sylvester, S.R., Siiteri, J.E., Law, G.L., Collard, M.W., Griswold, M.D., Morales, C. and Oko, R. (1992) Secretion of a Sertoli Cell Protein in the Synchronized Rat. In Comparitive Spermatology 20 Years After (Baccio Baccetti, ed.) Plenum Press, N.Y. pp 699-702
Borsook, D., Rosen, H., Collard, M.W., Dressler, H., Herrup, K., Comb, M. and Hyman, S. (1992) Expression and regulation of a proenkephalin β-galactosidase fusion gene in the reproductive system of transgenic mice. Molecular Endocrinology 6:1502-1512
Seidah, N.G., Day, R., Hamelin, J., Gaspar, A.M., Collard, M.W. and Chretien, M. (1992) Testicular expression of PC4 in the rat: molecular diversity of a novel germ cell-specific Kex2/subtilisin-like pro-protein convertase. Molecular Endocrinology 6:1559-1570
Huggenvik, J.I., Collard, M.W., Kim, Y.-W. and Sharma, R.P. (1993) Modification of the retinoic acid signaling pathway by the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A. Molecular Endocrinology 7:543-550 (Cover Article)
Srivastava, C.H., Collard, M.W., Rothrock, J.K., Peredo, M.J., Berry, S.A. and Pescovitz, O.H. (1993) Germ cell localization of a testicular GHRH-like factor. Endocrinology 133:83-89
Day, R., Schafer, M.K.H., Collard, M.W., Weihe, E. and Akil, H. (1993) Prodynorphin gene expression in the rat intermediate pituitary lobe: gender differences and postpartum regulation. Endocrinology 133:2652-2659
Huggenvik, J.I., Michelson, R.J., Collard, M.W., Ziemba, A.J., Gurley, P., and Mowen, K.A. (1998) Characterization of a Nuclear Deformed Epidermal Autoregulatory Factor-1 (DEAF-1) Related (NUDR) Transcriptional Regulator Protein. Molecular Endocrinology 12:1619-1639.
Michelson, R.J., Collard, M.W., Ziemba, A.J., Persinger, J., Bartholomew, B., and Huggenvik, J.I. (1999) Nuclear DEAF-1 Related (NUDR) Protein Contains a Novel DNA Binding Domain and Represses Transcription of the Heterogenous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 Promoter. Journal of Biological Chemistry 274:30510-30519.
Jensik, P.J., Holbird, D., Collard, M.W., and Cox, T.C. (2001) Cloning and characterization of a functional P2X receptor from larval bullfrog skin. American Journal of Physiology, Cell Physiology 261:C954-962.
Bottomley, M.J., Collard, M.W., Huggenvik, J.I., Liu, Z., Gibson, T.J., Sattler, M. (2001) The SAND domain structure defines a novel DNA-binding fold involved in transcriptional regulation. Nature Structural Biology 8:626:633. (Cover Article)
Jensik, P.J., Huggenvik, J.I., and Collard, M.W. (2004) Identification of a nuclear export signal and protein interaction domains in deformed epidermal autoregulatory factor-1 (DEAF-1). Journal of Biological Chemistry 279:32692-32699.
Parr E.L., Holliday E.M., Collard M.W., Parr M.B. (2005) Observations on latent and recurrent HSV-2 infections in adult mice that were rescued from lethal vaginal infection by antiviral therapy. Arch. Virol. 150(9):1885-1902.
Jensik PJ, Huggenvik JI, Collard MW (2012) Deformed Epidermal Autoregulatory Factor-1 (DEAF1) Interacts with the Ku70 Subunit of the DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Complex. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33404. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033404